Saturday, December 1, 2007

Radio City Christmas Spectacular...

As I sit gazing out the window at the beautiful 'snow globe' weather conditions, my thoughts turn to the wonderful time we shared with our group in New York City just 3 short weeks ago.

Which reminds remind
you...about tonight's television program on NBC (Channel 11 for folks in our area) at 7:00 pm.

It's the Radio City Rockettes Christmas Spectacular and it is the very show that was taped while we were in the audience with 6,000 other amazed guests (we even practiced cheering before the show).

As one member of our group so perfectly summed up the show, "I have never seen anything, and doubt I will ever again see anything, quite so beautiful
and spectacular."

should be well worth watching...tonight (Sat. Dec. 1st) at 7:00 on NBC.

As I promised on my last post, here's a little story which really ties our group to the show. Two of the young stars of the show were young boys, one about 10 and the other about 14. After the show, our group went to the stage door at the side of Radio City Music Hall to meet with a
Grafton girl, Lisa Blanchard, who has been in the show for about 10 years...(yes, that's the same Lisa, who for the past few years was in charge of those delicious 'Wagon Masters' at West Side Drive In in Grafton).

Anyway, while waiting for Lisa, out the door came a young man, who I recognized as the young star in the show. He was with a woman (his mother), who confirmed this to me and I asked if he'd pose for a quick picture with our group. He seemed surprised, and thrilled, that a group of North Dakotans would like to include him in their picture. His mom said that we really 'made his day'.

Minutes later, after Lisa had joined our group, out comes the 14 year old and he posed for a photo with us, as well.

A couple of very nice young men, who we'll always remember and who probably will remember us for some time. Two young stars in a city of 8 million.

And Lisa...she is as beautiful as ever, and really delighted the group by going out with us for hors d' oeuvres and dessert after the show and sharing several 'Radio City' and 'New York City' stories with us. Thank You Lisa ! It was great seeing you again.

Enjoy the show tonight !

We will be announcing, in just a few days, our 'release date' party time for the coffee table books, DVD video and photo albums for our New York group. As always, everyone is welcome.

At that time, we will also release our preliminary schedule for our 2008 adventures. Many of you have recognized that one of these trips would make a perfect Christmas gift...and we certainly agree!

Happy Holidays !!

Steve and Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steve & Linda - Thank you very much! I had a great time with the group and I hope you have a very Merry Christmas!