Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Back Again !!!!

Whew !!!!

I thought we were supposed to 'slow down' a bit as we get older. Definitely not the case here.

After spending the last two weeks of December in Spain, coming back to a photography studio needing our 'attention' to catch up, and trying to plan more adventures, plus preparing a one hour motivational program I'm presenting to more than 200 teachers and administrators on Monday, the 21st of January, time has not been an ally.

I must post some photographs so you can see what a wonderful time we had in the beautiful country of Spain. Our daughter, Abby, is over in Logrono, Spain (the Northern region) teaching English for one year, and we gathered, as a family, to enjoy the country and the holidays.

Spain is so different from America in many ways and we found it so interesting.

Here we are eating 'lomo' (pork, I think) sandwiches on the fly.

It took awhile to develop a taste for some of the food, but believe me, our hosts (Abby and Ben), did not disappoint when they cooked up a fantastic Christmas meal for the family.

Shopping for the ingredients proved very interesting (note the weird mini shopping carts) and there is no way we could have enjoyed such a delicious meal without the knowledge and language help from our hosts.

We 'walked off' all the great food by visiting cathedrals, museums, castles, and lots of other points of interest our 'guides' wanted us to see.

Rob (above) with Spain's beloved 'Don Quixote'.

This proved to be an amazing I had moved all around this magnificent Cathedral, capturing photographs from several angles, when, unexpectedly, Jesus on the Cross lit up in a beautiful, warm glow....for ten seconds....then returned to darkness. I happened to be in the right place at the right time and was able to capture two exposures of this amazing sight.

The uniquely designed 'Guggenheim Museum' in Bilbao, Spain. One of only five Guggenheim's in the world. It was fabulous.

And we still had some energy...after seeing so much !

These are only twelve of 2,349 photographs Linda and I captured in Spain. I'll share more in future posts. (Don't worry, I won't post all of them!)

Tomorrow we're announcing details of a very exciting adventure we're offering to our friends. We're going to Minneapolis to see Beth Moore speak and inspire at the Target Center. I've heard her program is wonderful and usually sells out quickly, so we feel fortunate to have secured 40 tickets, a comfortable motorcoach bus, and good hotel rooms, in order that a bunch of us (including you !) can be part of this inspirational event on July 18th and 19th.

More details in tomorrow's post. Until then....goodnight.

Steve and Linda

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