Monday, May 28, 2007

Memorial Day

Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful Memorial Day weekend.

It has always been thought of around this area as the unofficial start of summer. If so, we could be in for an interesting summer this year, as this weekend found us under cold, gray skies that wouldn't stop pouring rain for nearly 36 straight hours ( 3 to 6 inches reported) on Friday and Saturday. In complete contrast, Sunday was absolutely beautiful with clear blue skies, bright sunshine, calm and perfect 70 degree temperatures. While Monday (Memorial Day) was warm and humid, with temps in the 80's and all the flags hanging limp from lack of air movement. It was one of those days where, if one listened carefully, you could actually hear the flowers, trees, grass and gardens grow.

Suggestions keep coming in for upcoming trips. We really appreciate the input as we prepare to research and then announce our first tours in this, our first season.

Again, thank you for your interest and your help....and once again, we hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend....and that we all take time to remember why this is such an important holiday.


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