Tuesday, May 8, 2007

Dawn of travel-ography.com

Welcome to the dawn of travel-ography.com .....

Please take the time to subscribe to this site by entering your email address in the box to the left of the photograph and click on subscribe.

Thank you ! We will now be able to share our travel stories, photographs and upcoming travel opportunities with you through email and this blog.

travel-ography.com is the new direction Steve Larson Studio, our photography business, is taking and hopefully you'll join us.

This venture will allow us to share our love of travel and our passion for photography with others. Linda and I will research and organize the trips, put the information on this site and welcome you to come along with us.

At journey's end, you'll receive a stylish coffee table book, a beautiful photo album or an exciting video of the just completed trip. These keepsakes, filled with wonderful images, should allow you to share the 'good times' of our travels with family and friends, while also enabling you to relive the highlights of the trip.

Hopefully, these travel-ography.com adventures will bring together a group of people interested in sharing a wonderful experience and bringing home lasting memories. If such a modest goal can be accomplished, our new venture will certainly be a complete success.

Please stay 'tuned' and plan on joining us.

Steve and Linda

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Great idea Steve and Linda -- I'm going to enjoy the posts I'm sure.
