Wednesday, May 23, 2007

'The Dream becomes Reality'

Finally !
is launched !

A quick history : For the past few years, while traveling the country, Linda and I have often thought - 'Wouldn't it be great if we could share these wonderful moments with family and friends.'

Then, about three years ago, I started visualizing a concept that I thought would be really 'cool'. Combine our love of travel with our passion for photography and take our business, Steve Larson Studio in that direction.

Could it get any better....doing what you love, sharing these good times with others, and making a living at it ?

One problem. These past three years, since the onset of digital photography, we have been so busy at the studio that we were unable to pursue this new adventure. But the dream persisted, and finally, encouraged by friends and family, we decided to limit the amount of studio photography we will do in the coming months and transfer some of our energy into steering our business in a new direction.

Travelography. I thought it was quite catchy. It was a word I made up to describe the two elements of our new and photography. But I really wanted a dash (-) ....(much more on the dash (-) in the next couple of posts). And, in keeping up with Internet technology, I wanted all letters to be lower case and the name to conclude with .com.

Thus, is the name of our new venture and also the name of this website - blog.

We will be posting travel information, taking surveys to see where everyone wants to go, and sharing all kinds of photographs and info.

We encourage you to sign up (subscribe - it's free) at the upper left of this page and you'll receive info in your e-mail every time we update this site. It's a nice and easy way to keep track of what is going on.

And finally, we hope you'll feel free to share thoughts and ideas with us, either through our e-mail at or through the comments section in this blog.

Happy trails,


1 comment:

Amy Suda said...

Hi Steve & family~
What a great idea! John and I are looking to take a trip somewhere warm this winter...hope something can work out..sounds like fun.