Thursday, November 15, 2007

The 'Big Potato' ? .....

We're back ! From our adventure in New York City !

We maybe didn't make quite enough of an impact to change NYC from being called the 'Big Apple' the 'Big Potato' ....but we did show a lot of New Yorkers just how kind and generous....and fun!...a group from North Dakota can be.

Oh, and did I mention.....resilient ?

With Broadway theater shows on our mind, we landed at LaGuardia Airport at 10:30 a.m. on Saturday morning.....only to find out that at 11:00 a.m. the stage workers were all going on strike, thus shutting down all of Broadway's productions until further notice.

Did we flinch.....yes. Did we fold.....heck no !

After mentally going over our options, I asked my cousin Sheila, who lives in Manhattan, and had spent much of the day with us showing us around her city, if she had any suggestions for an 'off-Broadway' show, since the news had only reported the strike to affect Broadway shows. She suggested a show she had personally seen three times, and at 1:00 a.m. Linda and I had located and purchased 12 very difficult to find scalper's tickets to the 'off-Broadway' play/musical called 'Altar Boyz'.

This little known 'gem' was terrific, blending a perfect mix of harmonious songs, with sidesplitting humor. It was an extremely well written, well produced production performed in an intimate little theater seating 360 very appreciative people.

Plus, it was only 5 blocks from our hotel. Just another of life's little situations where you can sometimes make lemonade when handed a lemon. Everyone on the trip was a very good sport about it and I think really enjoyed the show.

I'll share more of what turned out to be a fabulous trip on future blog posts.

By the way, the photo of our group was taken by cousin Sheila, as we strolled through beautiful Central Park, just a couple of hours after landing in New York City.

As always, click on the photo to enlarge it, and click on the 'X' if you are reading this on email or on the 'back arrow' if reading this on our blog and you will be returned to the blog.

More later,


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