Saturday, November 3, 2007

Nike Logo....

I'm outside the other day photographing a young man by his car for his senior pictures, when we hear this unmistakable honking sound and look to the sky.

There, in all of nature's glory, is a flock of geese
apparently advertising for 'Nike'.

Speaking of advertising, there are some really catchy and comical commercials out right now. A few that I find particularly amusing include; one for Avis and Garmin GPS...where a guy driving his car is directed to 'turn right at the next intersection' by this soft, pleasant feminine voice. To which, after getting this 'longing' look on his face, he blurts out "I love you". There is a painful silence, where the driver has an almost chagrined look on his face. Suddenly the silence is broken when the female voice, once again, matter of factly, states something like 'In one mile take the I95 exit and head south'. To which the relieved male driver says, "You're right, let's just keep it professional." A very catchy advertisement in my opinion.

A more upbeat and highly visual commercial that I have to watch every time it comes on is the Arby's ad, where two lab scientists get exciting over an Arby's sandwich instead of an amazing display of Irish Riverdancing by a line of lab monkeys. Watching those monkeys dance absolutely amazes me every time. Just watch their faces and their feet. A scream.

Then there's the Sears battery commercial on the radio, where 'Positive' and 'Negative' are carrying on a conversation. Part of it finds 'Positive' saying "What a beautiful, brisk morning." with 'Negative' responding "It's so cold I'm freezing my 'bolts' off." I almost drove off the road I was laughing so hard. Reminded me of an old cheer we used to shout in high school...'Nuts and Bolts...Nuts and Bolts...We got Screwed !'

I better switch topics. Although humor is on my mind, as I'm watching 'Saturday Night Live' hosted tonight by my favorite news anchor Brian Williams. The show is excellent. I usually don't watch SNL because it's on pretty late but tonight I'm watching for two reasons. First, because we gain an hour tonight, as we leave daylight saving time....and second, because we're going to be on the 'Saturday Night Live' set next weekend, as our group heads to New York City. It's pretty unreal just thinking about it.

Also, I'll be watching tomorrow's New York City Marathon, which will be on NBC at 2 p.m. The footage of the race should show a lot of the very spots we'll be walking next weekend. Wow ! Including the finish at Tavern on the Green in world famous Central Park...just two blocks from the hotel we are staying in!

A quick bit of info on the marathon. More than 38,000 runners are expected to try navigate their way over the 26.2 mile course, which winds through all five New York City boroughs and over five bridges, with more than two million spectators watching. Hopefully they are all finished by the time we get there.

A quick sight we'll see in the park that will actually look pretty familiar to us North Dakotans.

This skating rink is located in Central Park, again, just a couple blocks from where we are staying.

I'll end this blog post by steering you to another blog....the one our son, Rob, is authoring. Go to and see the first picture Rob has been able to post from his adventure in Indonesia. The internet was not sufficient in Indonesia to get photographs on his blog, but now that he has moved to Malaysia...voila...our first picture we've seen of him in two months. We think he looks like a happy, and younger, version of Tom Hanks in the movie 'Castaway'.

Happy travels,


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