Thursday, November 1, 2007

New York in November....

Eight days....and counting.

It always seems when you plan something exciting it seems so far off in the future. Then, suddenly, it's here. The future is now...or at least almost now, as our trip to New York City is only a week and a day away.

From the tranquil scenes in Central Park..... the undeniable rapid 'pulse of the city' culminating at Times Square.....

We plan on putting ourselves right in the middle of the action !

The last couple of times we've been to the 'Big Apple', I've seen this sign in the subway. And I can tell you, Gene Kelly couldn't have said it any better.

New York City....Here we come !

As a special bonus, we just received confirmation today that my cousin Sheila (an actual local, who lives in Manhattan !) will be joining us for part of our stay to make sure us North Dakotans 'fit in'. You'll love Sheila.

As always, click on any of the photos I have taken, and you can view them much larger. Then, simply hit the little 'x' (if you're reading this as an email message) or hit the 'back arrow' (if you are reading this on the blog) to return to the message.

By the way, New York in November isn't all that is on our minds these days. In fact, the Duluth group will again take 'center stage' this coming Wednesday, Nov. 7th.

We're having an open house for about an hour at Steve Larson Studio to celebrate the release date of our Coffee Table Books, Photo Albums and Video DVD's from our recently completed adventure in Duluth and along the North Shore Drive.

The books, albums and video turned out fantastic and I'm sure all will agree that they make for some wonderful memories of our time together. After all, that's what is all about!

The Release Date Open House is from 4:00 to 5:30 p.m. this coming Wednesday, the 7th. The premier showing of the video, 'Duluth and the North Shore Drive' will be at 4:30.

The folks that traveled with us received special invitations, but everyone is welcome to stop by the studio on this special afternoon and see what is all about. We'd love to see you there.

Steve and Linda

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