Monday, March 24, 2008

Basketb/......Baseball Season !

The Grafton Spoilers won the North Dakota Class B State Boy's Basketball Tournament 10 days ago. It was the first BB title for Grafton since 1964.....44 years ! Wow !!

I was fortunate to have been asked to photograph the action from the 'front row' (court side) and also to share in the broadcasting of the games over the radio. I was in 'media heaven'.

I'm planning to post a slide show of 'Tournament Action' on this blog in the near future. It'll feature action shots from the games and several shots of the fantastic fans that followed the team. I'm also working on a show that will feature action shots of, not only the Spoiler boys, but several area athletes who just completed tournament play. Everyone should be proud of their accomplishments.

Now, with basketball behind us....oh, I know March Madness on the NCAA level is still capturing our attention....but, it's time to think about my favorite

With the season about to begin at all levels, I thought I would post some of the big league stadium photographs I have taken the past few years to whet our appetite for 'baseball season'.

Linda and I are trying to photograph as many of the major league stadiums as we can. I'll try put a couple of photos up each day. Enjoy !

As always, just click on the photo to enlarge it.

We photographed Angel Stadium in Anaheim, California last summer (2007). It was a beautiful ballpark on a beautiful evening on the West Coast....but it had a 'dark secret'. The morning of the game, as we were getting ready to leave our hotel room, Linda saw a report on the television newscast that county health inspectors had discovered that the stadium had a 'rat infestation' problem. It seems that the concession workers were waiting until the next day to clean up the garbage, with the rats taking advantage of the situation and moving in for a banquet each evening following the game.

Although the news report indicated that the clean up was now required immediately following the game, and the problem had been solved....I noticed Linda sat with her feet up on her chair more than usual that night.

Jacob's Field in Cleveland, in spite of it's eye appeal, was probably the least 'fan friendly' park we have encountered thus far. We photographed this park in the summer of 2006 and found the ushers to be uncooperative and downright unfriendly....and that just never happens to us on this ballpark journey. In fact, one elderly usher chased us all around the outfield stands, which were mostly empty, while I fired off shot after shot while on the run. He never did catch us, but he did somewhat cramp our style, which is trying to capture each stadium from all angles.

We did get to see North Dakota native, Travis Hafner play. He's the most powerful guy on the Indians team...and one of the most powerful players in all of baseball. In fact, I could swear I felt the breeze way up in my seat when he struck out to end the game.

More baseball parks on my next post. It's almost 'Play Ball' time !


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