Sunday, March 30, 2008

Opening Day......

One of the best days of the year for me has always been 'Opening Day'. And this is that day !

True, there were a couple of games in Japan this past week. And, last night they opened the 'new ball park' in Washington, DC. But today is really what I consider opening day, since most of major league's teams play their first game of the season today or tonight...including my Minnesota Twins.

What a great day ! As they say at the beginning of each season.....'Hope springs eternal.'

I continue to share a series of photographs I have taken over the past couple of years, as Linda and I have been on a quest to capture images of as many major league ball parks as we can.

The 'signature image' that I try to take at each park is the one from behind home plate and as far up as I can get, in order to afford the viewer a beautiful panoramic view of the whole stadium.

As always, simply click on the photograph to see a larger view.


Today, being what I consider the real 'Opening Day', I'll share two of my favorite parks.

PNC Park in Pittsburgh

We were in this beautiful ball park on the 4th of July, 2006. It was truly one of the most comfortable and cozy parks I have seen, with a great view of the Pittsburgh skyline and Clemente Bridge beyond the outfield bleachers.

We enjoyed a dazzling fireworks display following the game and celebrated the 4th with several hundred thousand people on the point of the three rivers in Pittsburgh.

The Metrodome in Minneapolis.

Home of the Twins ! This much maligned stadium has been home to some of my best baseball memories, including two World Series Championships in 1987 and 1991 (Wow...I guess we're due for another one!)

We've driven to Minneapolis and attended at least a couple of games a year with family and friends for many years. One thing is certain....there will be a game, unaffected by weather. The 'purists' have won, however, and a brand new outdoor park is due to open in 2010.

I always enjoyed the 'dome'....especially the volume of noise the faithful could create at critical times in the game. I can't even begin to recall the many great memories we've shared at the Metrodome. It is with some sadness that I'll see it replaced, however, all reports are that the new park is going to be fantastic.

Enjoy 'Opening Day' !


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