Thursday, March 27, 2008

Catching the Stars !

As I continue to share photographs of some of the Major League Baseball Stadiums that Linda and I have seen the past few years, I must mention that both parks that are featured in this post were almost overshadowed by the legendary talent that was on the field the day of the game.

The Great American Ballpark in Cincinnati.

We were immediately impressed with the fact that almost everyone in the crowd was dressed in 'red'. It was almost like walking into a major college football stadium on 'game day'. Obviously they were still enamoured by the success of their '70's teams, dubbed the 'Big Red Machine'.

It was a beautiful afternoon for a ball game in early July, 2006. Especially a game that was to feature two of the games premier players, both certain to be Hall of Famers, based on their storied on-field accomplishments. Ken Griffey, Jr. of the Reds and Roger Clemens of the Houston Astros would face each other three times this day, to the delight of those in attendance. Griffey with the smooth, powerful home run swing....and Clemens with the near 100 mph fastball.

Two of baseball's best, showcased for us on this beautiful July day in Cincinnati. There was even a peaceful river flowing along just beyond the outfield should have been called 'the Red'.

Petco Park in San Diego.

It happened by accident, sort of.

Our West Coast baseball park swing in the summer of 2007 had been roughly planned for a couple of months when it suddenly became apparent that we might be involved in a bit of baseball history.

We flew into San Francisco, rented a car, and followed the coast all the way down to San Diego. We hadn't really planned it this way but we also followed Barry Bonds in his historic quest to become baseball's all-time home run king. After seeing 'Barry' fail to tie the record of 755 in both San Francisco and Los Angeles, we arrived in San Diego knowing that he needed one to tie and two to break the long standing home run record of Hank Aaron.

Never having been to San Diego before, I had asked Linda to find and book a hotel close to the ball park....thinking it would be exciting to be part of the frenzy surrounding Bond's controversial chase of immortality.

As we faithfully followed our directions and easily navigated downtown San Diego, we arrived at the hotel the evening before the big Giants-Padres game. The Padres were playing the Colorado Rockies on this night and we were listening to the game on the radio, as we pulled up in front of our hotel. Linda went in to register, while I stayed in the car with our luggage.

Suddenly, the radio announcer's voice raised, as one of the Padres had launched a deep fly ball, on it's way to becoming a home run. A mighty, deafening roar, filled the air and I immediately knew this wasn't just coming from the radio. Startled, I looked up and to my suprise, found that I was sitting less than 100 feet from the stadium. Not only could I hear...but I could see the fans cheering wildly. Linda had indeed booked us into a hotel 'close to the ball park' !

Barry Bonds again failed to tie the record the next night, while we were in attendance, so we decided to take a 'day off' from baseball and see the rest of San Diego.
That night Bonds launched the historic home run that tied the hallowed record....while we were watching Shamu, the killer whale, at San Diego Sea World.

We made the right choice.


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