Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Breathtaking View in Vegas.

Welcome back to, where we are putting the finishing touches on a couple of upcoming trips that we encourage you to join us on. The last week of September we will be traveling in a plush motorcoach to the North Shore of Lake Superior to experience the fabulous fall colors that virtually become a visual feast for those fortunate enough to be there at the right time. Lighthouses, waterfalls, rugged shoreline and welcoming seashore communities are some of the other highlights of the trip.

Then, in early November, we're trying to put together a tour to New York City. The 'Big Apple' is bustling with energy this time of year, as they get ready for the upcoming holiday season. A guided tour of the city, Broadway Theater productions, Central Park and Radio City Music Hall are just some of the highlights of this trip.

We'll have details, as far as dates and costs, posted on this site within the next few days. We sure hope you can join us....and remember....shortly after we return, you'll receive a beautiful coffee table book, photo album or video of the trip so you'll be able to show others your exciting adventure.

Now, following up on the previous post where I promised to show you one of the spectacular sights of Las Vegas. We rode up the Eiffel Tower in front of Paris and from the observation deck captured the following photographs.

Now that's the 'Magic of Las Vegas'.

Until next time,


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