Monday, June 11, 2007

Don't forget the ( - ) dash ! Don't forget the ( - ) dash !

As positive and enthusiastic comments continue to come in, regarding our announcement just two weeks ago concerning the change in focus of our photography business, we encourage you to share this site with others who you think would love to travel.

When sharing the website name....please don't forget the ( - ) dash ! You can't get on the site unless the ( - ) dash is included.

Now I'm sure Webster has dozens of definitions of 'dash'....but the one I prefer, and find so profound, is the following: 'On headstones, that little, seemingly insignificant, line between the year of our birth and the year of our death that represents all the time that we were able to spend, and all the things we were able to do, in our lifetime here on earth.'

Pretty profound stuff ! I know it makes me want to spend at least part of my 'dash' sharing exciting times with family and friends, which is one of the motivating factors in creating

So please feel free to share this website with others and watch for further news on where we'll be going and what we'll be doing....hopefully with you and your family and friends.

It looks like our first trip could be late September in Duluth and along the North Shore Drive of Lake Superior.

We are also working on trip to New York City this fall and a journey through Glacier National Park and up into the magnificent Canadian Rockies and the mountain villages of Banff and Jasper next summer (2008). Several other trips are also on the burner.

We'll publish details as soon as we have them.

Thanks for the enthusiasm and support.


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