Saturday, June 23, 2007

North Shore in Autumn

Fall we come !

The last couple of times we have been in Duluth and along the North Shore, it has been either spring or summer. I am really looking forward to this trip we have planned in September.

While this area was very nice in both spring and summer, in autumn, the beauty of nature should unfold in front of us in a spectacular way.

We went so far as to slightly alter Mother Nature the last time we were there, as Rob took the following scene we photographed of one of the popular waterfalls, and changed the color on the computer.

So the scene that looked like this....

Ended up looking like this......

Ahhh....the magic of computers.

Although you can never guarantee the weather conditions, I think we'll see the real deal this September 28, 29, and 30. Sure hope you can join us.


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