Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Hollywood 'Beauties'...

Hi again.

This week we've been sharing some of the highlights of our recently completed 10 day trip to the West Coast. The primary focus of our travels was to see 5 more big league baseball parks in our quest to see them all (We're at 21 and counting!)

Many people (mostly females) wonder how Linda enjoys using her vacations visiting ball parks. I think she loves it! First of all, we get to the games early and explore as much of the park as we can before taking our seats. Most of these ball parks are absolutely beautiful and are filled with a lot of cool and interesting things.

Me in front of a 'cool' oversized glove in San Francisco.

We always meet interesting people, who find what we're doing quite fascinating and want to hear about the other stadiums we've seen. In fact, just 'people watching' is a rather engaging hobby. And we also explore the area around the ball parks (sometimes not so safe...but we seem to survive). make our travels even more enjoyable for both of us, we are open minded and enjoy diversity during the day, seeing the sights of the cities we are in.

For example, while in LA, we took a tour of Hollywood and actually saw some 'stars'. While walking along 'Hollywood Boulevard', we stumbled upon a large crowd of very excited people in front of the world famous Kodak Theater (where the Academy Awards are held). Upon joining in the excitement, we found out Michelle Pfeiffer was receiving her 'star' on the prestigious 'walk of fame' right in front of us. We pressed closer and saw her graciously signing autographs for a 'mob' of fans. Suddenly she turned and headed for shelter, while waving to the throng of admirer's. My 'paparazzi instinct' took over and I fired off some shots with my camera, while being jostled about by others with the same idea.

I didn't get any real good 'face shots' (like the one above that somebody else must have taken)...but I did get a shot the tabloids might be interested in, because (as I was told by a young Asian girl, who was quite a Pfeiffer fan...'That guy with a hand on her butt is NOT her husband!). Ahh.... the life of a bodyguard.

We also saw Paris Hilton drive by....and Lou Ferigno (the Incredible Hulk).

But I gave my camera to a couple of young girls from France and was photographed with the most beautiful 'star' I saw in Hollywood......Lucky me !

Only 4 spots left for the Duluth 701-352-1810 if you'd like to join us.


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