Thursday, August 16, 2007

Trying Times....

This blog is meant to be upbeat and positive...and to inspire all of us to travel together and see the sights of this wonderful country and world we live in.

With that thought in mind, it has been difficult to compose blog entries of late, since there seems to be an abundance of 'bad news' capturing the headlines. The tragic bridge collapse in Minneapolis, the trapped miners in Utah, the powerful earthquake in Peru, the unstable housing and stock markets, and, of course, the war on terror affect all of us in one way or another. Through prayer, we hope we can ease the burdens of those who are especially troubled in these trying times.

On a positive note, I'm happy to report that the first two trips are going forward, as scheduled. In fact, the November 10-11-12-13, New York City trip is full and final details are being worked on with an itinerary due to be released in about a week. This is one of our favorite places we have ever traveled to...and New York is very nice in November.

The Duluth and North Shore Drive trip on September 28-29-30, is just a little over a month away and we've got a great group going with, who are going to enjoy some beautiful fall foliage and other interesting sites in this wonderful area of Minnesota. There are still 6 spots open if you'd like to join us. The cost is only $299 ppd. (per person double occupancy). I think we'll have a great time !

Finally, I have to share with you an experience from my 'other job' photographer at Steve Larson Studio. We're right in the middle of high school senior season and I sometimes find myself in some rather interesting situations. Such was the case earlier this week, when I was called upon to photograph a young man in his work atmosphere. He wanted to be photographed at his brother's drive-in 'flipping a burger'. We got the shot...and then I ended up on the 'other end' of the camera, as I was bestowed the 'honor' of wearing the 'hamburger hat'.

Pretty cool, huh?

Here's hoping your days are filled with 'good things'.


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