Tuesday, August 28, 2007

A Great Group of Travelers...

We have a wonderful group going with us on our first official travel-ography.com adventure....and it's only about one month away! Duluth is our destination and the beautiful north shore of Lake Superior should be spectacular the last few days of September (28th, 29th and 30th to be exact).

We'll see waterfalls, lighthouses, rugged shoreline, a mysterious mansion, and nature's splendor revealed in breathtaking autumn colors. And I really hope we get to see a big ship or two enter or leave the harbor.

About 40 of us will embark on this journey...and if you'd
like...we could probably take a couple more of you with us (although, as our wonderful and travel wise 'Aunt Shirley' advised us, we are not going to 'overcrowd' the bus).

If you'd still like to go, call 701-352-18
10 as soon as you can. Amazingly, we've easily surpassed our goal of travel companions and we still haven't advertised the trip other than on this website and word of mouth.

The cost of the trip is only $299 per person (based on double occupancy). Included in this price is your choice of a Coffee Table Book, Deluxe Photo Album or DVD Video filled with images of our trip.
That's what travel-ography.com is all about!


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