Sunday, August 19, 2007

West Coast wonders....


This week I'd like to share some of the highlights of our recently completed West Coast trip.

From traveling down the California Coastal Highway #1 from San Francisco to LA to San Diego....photographing, by chance, Michelle Pfeiffer in Hollywood....and getting caught up in the wild world of Barry Bonds attempting to break the all-time homerun record...we had a blast !

As we traveled down the coast....we did so in a brand new Chrysler 300 (we were supposed to get a compact car but the rental company was all out of them so they 'upgraded' us, at no extra charge, to this very nice midsize Chrysler....which, by the way, came in pretty handy as we maneuvered our way through 8 lanes of traffic(on one side...16 lanes total !) in the metropolitan areas in safety and comfort.

We saw a lot of great sights along the coast, including the magnificent and rugged coastline of Pebble Beach and Carmel and Big Sur. As we took a break and strolled along the ocean we noticed this interesting sight down along the beach.

Must be some sort of 'visual social commentary' on the difference in interests between guys and girls. We thought it was comical.

As beautiful as the coastline and beaches couldn't escape the 'smog' as we passed through Los Angeles.

By the way, I now have driven right through the heart of most of the countries largest cities, including New York City (downtown Manhattan in a green Jeep among all those crazy yellow cabs!)....Chicago (where we actually pulled our minivan over and asked a cop, who was sitting in his squad car eating a doughnut, directions to Wrigley Field.)....Washington, DC (which was probably the worst since the roads run in the shape of a pie rather than parallel.)....St. Louis, Atlanta, Fort Lauderdale, Orlando, Miami, Denver, Cleveland, Phoenix, Las Vegas, Minneapolis and many others...and now, San Francisco, Los Angeles and San Diego. Quite a contrast from the long drives through North Dakota, where you can sometimes go for miles without even seeing another car.

More on our wonderful adventure to the West Coast in my next post. By the way, Linda has been out in Seattle the past five days in a reunion with her three college roommates. One of her roommates is married to a coach of the Seattle SeaHawks football team and she invited the other girls out. At last report they are having a wonderful time. She's really becoming a 'West Coast Girl'.


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