Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Autumn in Duluth....

Plans have been finalized ! We're going to Duluth and the beautiful North Shore Drive !

We have a luxurious motorcoach bus...a top rated hotel in a great location...and three days of breathtaking beauty, as we head to Duluth and travel along the North Shore Drive.

This first trip is scheduled for Friday-Saturday-Sunday, September 28-29 and 30 and we hope you'll be with us.

Cost of the trip is $299 ppd (per person based on double occupancy).

So far, almost half of the seats are spoken for. To reserve your spot, please email us at or call 701-352-1810. A $50 deposit per person will guarantee your reservation.

Departure time and location and a complete itinerary will be posted on this site soon. Everything is scheduled and confirmed but I haven't had time to write out a complete itinerary due to the fact that it's high 'berry season' in our backyard.

Please observe 'my assistant' and myself busy in our backyard raspberry patch trying to keep up with our 'bumper berry crop'.

This evening we harvested 12 quarts of delicious, fresh raspberries. That makes a total of 24 quarts since Sunday, which was the official start of this year's picking. That's a lot of berries for just a small garden. These are special imported bushes and they are very prolific. We are sharing the 'fruits of our labor' with neighbors and friends and so far everyone seems very happy...with the exception of a couple of squawking birds, who feel we've invaded 'their' berry patch. Oh well, there's certainly enough for everybody.


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