Thursday, July 5, 2007

Wonderful Mid-week (end) !

Here's hoping everyone had a wonderful 4th of July holiday. We sure did ! Although it was mid-week, it felt like a weekend to us, as we were able to travel down to the Twin Cities and celebrate our nation's Independence with all three of our children and our daughter-in-law.

We saw two great fireworks downtown St. Paul on the 4th, with what seemed like a couple hundred thousand people....and at Canterbury Park on the 3rd, where we took in the races and, along with about 12,000 others, saw a fireworks display unfold right before our eyes. It almost seemed like our own private show and it was awesome !

My betting wasn't so awesome, however. Guess which horse I had my money on in this photo finish I shot, while perched along the rail right at the finish line....right....I had the horse with the jockey with the red cap on....who, as you can see....lost by a nose (or was it a whisker). Oh, well, lucky I'm not a very big bettor ($2) so we still had money for things like food and gas.

The Twin Cities is a great destination and will be putting together a couple of trips to Minneapolis-St.Paul sometime in the future.

In keeping with the theme of this beautiful country of ours, I received an email today from one of our subscribers and it's so cool I just have to share it with you. Thank you Marilyn !

Click on this

....and make sure your volume is up on your computer, have a 'little bit' of patience, and sit back and enjoy the show. You'll see that one of the featured places in this beautiful show is where we are going September 28-29-30....the Split Rock Lighthouse on the North Shore of Lake Superior. We sure hope you can join us.


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