Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Two Great Trips !

A Progress Report....

We are very busy finalizing plans for the two upcoming travel-ography.com trips we're going on. While most of the key items, ( ie: hotel rooms, transportation, trip highlights ) are pretty well taken care of, there are always some 'loose ends' to tie up.

While a lot of really 'excited and fun' people are signed up to go with us, there are still some spots available for both the Duluth-North Shore Drive weekend and the New York City trip.

Amazingly, we haven't advertised either trip other than by 'word of mouth' or through this website. It would be so cool if we filled both trips without even having to advertise.

By the way, since this is just the beginning of our new venture, we are limiting the number of travelers going with us to a manageable size. After all, we want everyone to have a great time so they'll want to go with us on future trips.

We'll keep you updated and informed on all our travels and travel plans through this website. If you are not already getting the free subscription, please sign up in the box on the left side on our site travel-ography.com.

With all the travel destinations we are considering for next year....a new contender emerged this past weekend. Chicago !

Linda and her two sisters and brother spent the weekend in Chicago with their parents, helping them celebrate their anniversary. They had a wonderful time and suggested it would be a great place for a travel-ography.com adventure.

My excitement this weekend was trying to keep up with my raspberry patch. I think I've picked over 40 quarts this year. Mmmmmm.


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