Thursday, July 26, 2007

Phenomenal Performance !!!!

Les Miserables (School Edition)

I know I've mentioned before that even though we love to travel, often times some of the best stuff is found right in your own 'backyard'. Such was the case last night when we traveled to Grand Forks to join good friends for dinner and a high school theater production.

Now, I'm kind of a 'theater nut' and I love to attend shows of all kinds in all places....and I've certainly had more than one 'goosebump experience', when the show captured my imagination and fueled my emotions to the point of creating a difficult to describe experience. From small dinner theaters to extravegant Broadway productions, we've enjoyed everything from 'grass roots' to highly acclaimed professional productions....

.....and last night's performance by a bunch of talented area high school students just might have topped them all !

Granted, Les Miserables is the most powerful musical theater on the planet. But this group of young people....the SPA, or Summer Performing Arts Company....took a difficult production and turned in a magical performance by any standards. They far exceeded expectations. They literally stirred the soul with their passion for what they were doing.

And voices....unbelievable ! Les Miserables is a profound musical, with wonderful, but challenging music. And......there are at least ten or twelve leads, both male and female, and several other smaller parts that also require the message to be sung. Every person on stage nailed their part....their character. All voices were good, some were great and some were fabulous !

I could go on and on...but I hope you get the point by now. Although we're planning on doing a lot of travel, hopefully with some of you, in the next few years....don't overlook the wonderful things to see and do right here in our own 'backyard'.

One final thought. There were a couple of defining moments for me at last night's production. At the dramatic conclusion of the show, I, along with everyone else in the intimate little theater in Red River High School, literally leapt to our feet, as one, to give this talented group of performers, by virtue of long and loud applause, the praise they so richly deserved.

The other defining moment. Earlier in the show, as Act 1 concluded, I almost jumped to my feet with applause...but caught myself. It was only intermission. A standing ovation at halftime ? I certainly felt like it and I could tell others did also....but in all the years I've attended theater productions....never has anyone received a standing ovation at intermission.

I should have done it.


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