Thursday, July 19, 2007

New York, New York is pleased to announce that we have set a date for our trip to New York !

We're going to 'the Big Apple' November 10-11-12 and 13 (Saturday through Tuesday). This is a limited number trip, since we are putting it together kind of quickly, so I would guess that the spots will go kind of fast.

We'd sure love to have you with us.

Cost is $1,275 plus airfare. If you need help getting a flight, we have secured some seats on Northwest out of Grand Forks for $485.

We're going to do all the cool things there are to do in New York City and have a great time. I'll publish more details this weekend, as I have a very big wedding, with special challenges, to photograph tomorrow, so I'll be out of town.

Stay tuned.


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